Abstract Submission

The following guidelines are provided to assist you in submitting your abstract. Please follow these instructions when completing the abstract form. Abstracts can only be submitted online.

Abstracts are limited to 300 words (not including presenter names and titles).

ICPLA is a peer-reviewed research conference and all proposals will be reviewed anonymously.

There is a limit of three presentations (oral, poster or panel) for a single presenter. This however does not exclude the opportunity to be a co-author for an unlimited number of abstracts.

Please submit via the Oxford Abstracts submissions platform abstracts may be pasted directly into the form or uploaded as a .pdf file.


Proposals for oral or poster presentations

We invite proposals for oral or poster presentations on topics within clinical linguistics and phonetics. Oral and poster proposals should consist of background, method, results and conclusions (300 words).

Oral presentations will be 15 minutes with 5 minutes for questions and speaker change-over.

ICPLA considers poster and oral presentations to be of equal importance and authors may indicate which mode of presentation they prefer. The Scientific Committee reserves the right to switch formats to suit the programme. 

Presenters will be notified about the final format of their presentation at the time their proposal is accepted.

Acceptance of abstract will be based on proof of registration by the presenting author.

Oral and poster abstract submission deadline: 11th December 2024


Proposals for Panel sessions

We invite proposals for panels on cohesive topics within clinical linguistics and phonetics. Panel proposals should consist of a brief outline (300 words) of the theme and purpose of the panel, along with a list of the people organising and speaking in the panel (200 words).

Panel sessions may comprise of 3-5 individual paper presentations that relate to a narrowly defined topic of interest. Organisers are asked to consider formats which involve audience participation and discussion (perhaps with a designated discussant). Panel organisers are asked to avoid restricting their panel authors to the same research group; preference will be given to panels with a clear diversity of gender, seniority, and affiliation of participants.

Panel sessions will be 1 hour and 45 minutes. The organiser of a panel is responsible for securing the cooperation of all the participants who are to be involved in the panel and for deciding on the internal structure of the panel.

Panel abstract submission deadline: 11th December 2024