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- PhD in Linguistics (Syntax). City University of New York, Graduate Center.
- MA in Linguistics. City University of New York, Graduate Center.
- MA in Anthropology. City University of New York, Hunter College
- BA in Economics (with minor in Statistics). Athens University of Economics and Business.
- Syntactic Theory/Comparative Syntax, Language Acquisition, Language Impairments (autism, aphasias).
- SLT_104 Introduction to Linguistics
- SLT_304 Language Acquisition– Language Development
- SLT_401 Syntactic Structure and Impairments
- SLT_705 Bilingualism and Multilingual Environments
- Language and Mind
- Francis, K., N. Alshammari, N. Alsulaihim, S. Aboukhamseen, M. El Dardiri. F. AlRashidi … & A. Terzi (2024) “The use of formal language as a strong sign of verbal autistic children in diglossic communities: The case of Arabic.” Autism Research 2024 1-9. DOI: 10.1002/aur.3237
- Marinis, T., M. Andreou, D.-V. Bagioka, F. Baumeister, C. Bongartz, A. Czypionka… & A. Terzi (2023) “Development and validation of a task battery for verbal and non-verbal first- and second-order theory of mind.” Frontiers in Language Sciences Volume 1. DOI=10.3389/flang.2022.1052095
- Angelopoulos, N., D.-V. Bagioka & A. Terzi (2023) “Exploring syntactically encoded evidentiality.” Language Acquisition 30: 50-75.
- Terzi, A. (2021) “Synthetic Passives in Early and Impaired Grammar: The View from Greek Reflexive Verbs.” In K. Grohmann, A. Matsuya & E. M. Remberger (eds.) Passives Crosslinguistically: Theoretical and Experimental Approaches, 394-418. Brill Academic Publishers.
- Angelopoulos, N., C. Collins & Arhonto Terzi (2020) “Greek and English passives, and the role of by-phrases.” Glossa: a journal of general linguistics 5(1), 90.
- Terzi, A., A. Zafeiri, T. Marinis & K. Francis (2019) “Subject and object pronouns of high-functioning children speakers of a null subject language.” Frontiers in Psychology 10:1301.
- Terzi, A. & V. Nanousi (2018) “Intervention effects in the relative clauses of agrammatics: the role of gender and case.” Glossa: a journal of general linguistics 3(1), 17.
- Terzi, Arhonto (2017) “Complex Spatial Expressions.” In M. Everaert and H. van Riemsdijk (eds.) The Companion to Syntax (2nd Edition), 1027-1051.
- Terzi, A., T. Marinis & K. Francis (2016) “The Interface of Syntax with Pragmatics and Prosody in children with Autism Spectrum Disorders.” Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders.46: 2692-2706.
- Τερζή, Α. (2016) Συγκριτική Σύνταξη και Γλωσσικές Διαταραχές. Κάλλιπος: Ελληνικά Ακαδημαϊκά Ηλεκτρονικά Συγγράμματα και Βοηθήματα. [Comparative Syntax and Language Impairments –Textbook, in Greek]
- Nchare, A.-L. & A. Terzi (2014) “Licensing Silent Structure: the Spatial Prepositions of Shupamem.” Natural Language and Linguistic Theory 32: 673-710.
- Terzi, A., T. Marinis, A. Kotsopoulou & K. Francis (2014) “Grammatical Abilities of Greek-Speaking Children with Autism.” Language Acquisition 21: 4-44.
- Terzi, Arhonto (2010) “Locative Prepositions and Place.” In G. Cinque & L. Rizzi (eds.) Mapping Spatial PPs. The Cartography of Syntactic Structures, volume 6, 196-224, Oxford University Press.
- Terzi, A. (2005) “Comparative Syntax and Language Disorders.” In G. Cinque & R. Kayne (eds.) The Oxford Handbook of Comparative Syntax, 111-137. OUP.
- Petinou, K. & A. Terzi (2002) ‘Clitic Misplacement Among Normally Developing Children and Children with Specific Language Impairment and the Status of Infl Heads.’ Language Acquisition 10: 1-28.
- German-Greek toolkit for Theory of Mind and Language in Autism, 2020-2022 - A Speech and Language Therapy Platform with Virtual Agent, 2020-2023
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