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- Doctoral Diploma (PhD)in the field of Linguistics, at the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens,(2000)
Doctoral Dissertation Topic: “Prefixverbs in German and Greek. Comparative analysis” - Untergraduate Studies: German and French Philology, History
- Degree (MA) from Stuttgart University, Germany(1982)
Specialization: Linguistics, Teaching of Foreign Languages
- Theoretical and comparative Linguistics
- Language acquisition / learning (C1, C2, …..)
Foreign Language Teaching Strategies (Development of 4 Skills, According to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (2001)
Foreign Language Teaching for Special Purposes - Bilingualism and Linguistic Disorders
- Bimodal Bilingualism
- Teaching Greek as a Second or Foreign Language
1982-1986 Seminars at the Adult College(Volkshochschule) of Berlin for teaching German and Greek as a Foreign Language
1987-1989 Seminar on Architecture, Paleography and Auxiliary Sciences of History in the General State Archives of Greece
1991-1998 Numerous lectures and participation in seminars of linguistic content at the University of Athens
31.08 – 15.07.1994 Linguistics Courses at Summer school of Göttingen University/Germany
08.06–15.07.1994 Seminars at Humboldt University, the Free University of Berlin as well as at the Center for General Linguistics
17.04-20.04.1994 GLOW Conference in Athens
19.08-26.08.1995 Erasmus Workshop Münster at Carolinensiel /Germany on “The elektronic Lexicon in the Foreign Language Teaching ”
05.08.-23.08.1996 Attendance of “The Third Central European Summer School in Generative Linguistics ”in Olomouc, Czech Republic, where I presented“ the phenomenon of the incorporation of the preposition into German and Greek verbs ”
19.09-21.09.1997 Participation in the first Mediterranean Morphology Conference, in Mytilene
1998, 1999, 2001 Participation with presentations at the 1st, 2nd and 4th International Conference of the University Patras on “Greek as a Second or Foreign Language”
2003, 2005 Attendance with a presentation of the EAP (Open University) Conferences on “Open and Distance Education ”
01.08-06.08.2005 Participation with presentations in the XIII International Conference of German Language, Graz, Austria
09/10. 04.2005 Attendance in Athens of the seminar of the Ministry of Education for Certification of Knowledge of Foreign Languages
2006 -2010 Participation with a presentation in the German Language Teachers’ Conferences, Goethe Institute in Athens and Thessaloniki
27-30.09. 2007 Participation with a presentation at the 42nd International Conference “Linguistisches Kolloquium on “Language Diversity and Language Learning: New Paths to Literacy ”
03-05. April 2009 Participation with a presentation at the 4th International Scientific Conference of the University of the Aegean, in Rhodes
28-29.11. 2011 Participation as a representative of the TEI of Patras in the Thematic Seminar “The resonance of ERASMUS program at institutional and individual level “,under the Lifelong Learning / ERASMUS Program.
15-20.04.2012 Participation as a representative of the TEI of Patras with a proposal in a Program of ERASMUS “Competence Germany and Networking GerN! Higher Education Staff Mobility, Berlin
15.04.2016 Participation in the Conference of IKY “Modernization of Higher Education in Greece, held at the University of Patras
02.12.2016 Participation in the Conference “For the present and the future of the four Foreign Language Studies Programs” of the Faculty of Humanities Studies of EAP, held in Athens|
1 0 – 1 2 .11. 2017 Participation a t the 1st Scientific Conference of Speech Therapy in Ioannina
8-10.11. 2019 Participation at the 2nd Scientific Conference of Speech Therapy November in Patras
1. Teaching German / Greek as a Second or Foreign Language:
- 1974-1977 German for foreign students, in the special departments of the University Stuttgart,
- 1978-79 German at the Greek High School in Stuttgart,
- 1979-1981 Greek as a Foreign Language at the Adult College (Volkshochschule) of Stuttgart
- 1983-1986 German and Greek at the Adult College (Volkshochschule) of Stuttgart and Berlin\
- 1986-1991 German in Foreign Language Teaching Centers in Athens, level B1, B2, C1, C2
- 30.06 – 17.07. 1987 German in a intensive training seminar sponsored by the Ministry of Education for teachers placed to Greek schools abroad\1987-1989 German for engineers of the Elefsina Shipyards
- 1993, 1994 At HUMBOLDT University, Department of Classical Philology and Modern Greek
Studies, in Berlin I taught the modules:
a) Structure of the Greek and German sentence
b) Production of words in German and Greek\ - 1996 University of Muenster(Germany): Lexicographical Problems of the Greek Multi-Word Compounds ”
- 1991-1994 Teaching as a Specialized Postgraduate Scholar (EMY) of German Language to undergraduate students of the German Language and Literature
Department of the EKP(EΚΠΑ):
2. 1981-1986 Scientific Associate at Bilingual Kindergartens in Berlin
3. 1987-1989 General State Archives: Translation, classification and editing of the Personal Archive of King Otto
4. 01.07-12.07.1991 Rapporteur at the 1st German teacher training seminar of the language, organized by the Panhellenic Federation of Foreign Care Owners of Languages Centers in Athens. Topics I suggested:
- Editing textbooks
- Techniques for promoting listening and comprehension
- Text and Grammar
- Means of teaching, preparation of a lesson\
- The importance of play in learning a foreign language
- Forms of teaching a foreign language to small classes
5. Assistant (SEP) in EAP from Acad. Year 2001-2002 until 09/2017 in the Postgraduate Program Specialization of German Language Teachers: TH.E. Linguistic skills in oral and
written communication in German
6. From 24/10 of 1994 until today I teach at the TEI-Patras , TEI – Western Greece and the University of Patras
a) German Language as Language for specific purposes in the Department of Tourism and Business Administration:
German Tourist Terminology (theory and Laboratory) (7th semester)
German: Level A1, A2, B1
01.09. 2013 Integration in the Department of Speech and Language Therapy, where I teach the courses:
Language Development (laboratory) 2nd semester
Psycholinguistics and Neurolinguistics (Theory + Laboratory) 5th semester
Multilingual Environment and Bilingualism (7th semester)
German 1 and German 2 for specific purposes 2nd semester
b) Greek as a Foreign Language to Erasmus students
c) Interdepartmental Courses:
- German A1, A2, B1
German for specific purposes
- Stafylidou Georgia, Kalogridis Vassilis (2019): “Gender, age and literacy in Greek”, at the 2nd Scientific Conference of Speech Therapy November 8-10, 2019 in Patras
- Stafylidou Georgia, Armoutsi Eyth., Ntaout Emprou, Kalogridis B. (2017): “Grammar awareness and school readiness: The case of narrative skills in the light of structural narratology ”at the 1st Scientific Conference of Speech Therapy 1 0 – 1 2 November 2017 in Ioannina
- Stafylidou, Georgia (2013): “Language learning games in German languages specific courses for tourism students ”. In Linguistik International, 587-597, Peter Lang, Frankfurt am Main ( “Sprachlernspiele im fachbezogenen DaF-Unterricht für Tourismus-Studenten ”)
- Stafylidou Georgia (2011): German language proficiency certification exams for Professional and Academic purposes. Panhellenic Conference of the Language Center ( KΞΓΦΑ) of the TEI-PATRAS, (28.2.2011)
- Stafylidou, Georgia, Chardaloupa, Johanna (2010): “The song as an occasion for the production of a video clip” In: Greek congress of German teachers: “Have a good trip with German through Europe – German in concert with European multilingualism”. April 16-18, 2010 Thessaloniki (“Das Lied als Anlass zur Herstellung eines Videoclips” In: Griechischer Deutschlehrerkongress: “Gute Fahrt mit Deutsch durch Europa- Deutsch in Konzert der europäischen Mehrsprachigitit”)
- Stafylidou Georgia (2009): “Role and action of Language Center (KΞΓΦΑ) of TEI-Patras with a view to the future”. Panhellenic Conference of the KXGFA of the TEI-Chalkida. Theme: “The future course and the role of the Foreign Language Centers in the Supreme Technological Institutions
- Stafylidou, Georgia, Karras, John (2009): “The role of teaching language for specific purposes in Tourism Management studies.” 4th International Scientific Conference in Rhodos (3-4 April 2009), Theme: Planing for the Future – Learning from the Past: Contemporary Developments in Tourism, Travel & Hospitality
- Stafylidou Georgia (2008): “Teaching Foreign Language as a Language for specific and akademical purposes at TEI-Patras”. Conference of TEI-Athens (02.04.2008). SUBJECT: The future of the Foreign Language in Technological Educational Institutions ”
- Stafylidou, Georgia (2006): “The song as a means to promote the written text product in GFL lessons”. In ( “Das Lied als Anlass zur Förderung der schriftlichen Textproduktion im DaF-Unterricht”. In
- Stafylidou, Georgia, Chardaloupa, Johanna (2006): “The song as a means to promote the written text production in GFL lessons”. Greek German Teacher Conference, 07-07.04.2006, Thessaloniki(“Das Lied als Anlass zur Förderung der schriftlichen Textproduktim im DaF-Unterricht”. Griechischer Deutschlehrerkonkonkress, 07-07.04.2006, Thessaloniki)
- Stafylidou, Georgia (2006): German in the field of tourism. Greek German Teacher Conference, 07-07.04.2006, Thessaloniki( Deutsch im Bereich des Tourismus. Griechischer Deutschlehrerkonkonkress, 07-07.04.2006, Thessaloniki)
- Stafylidou, Georgia, Chardaloupa, Johanna, Xydias, Ch. (2006): “Pigeons poison in the park. Teaching suggestion for a song by Georg Kreisler ”. I: AUS: BLICKE 23, magazine for Austrian culture and language. 28-39, 0/4 2006 (“Tauben vergiften im Park. Unterrichtsvorschlag zu einem Lied von Georg Kreisler ”)
- Stafylidou Georgia (2005): Postgraduate Specialization for German Language Teachers. Investigating and evaluating the factors that affect the sustainable development of the program “. 3rd International Conference on Open and Distance Education. 11.11 – 13.11. 2005, Patras
- Stafylidou, Georgia, Chardaloupa, Johanna, Xydias, Ch. (2005): “Aunt Emma poisoned pigeons in the park”. The song as an occasion to promote the written text product in GFL lessons. XIII. International conference of German teachers, August 1 – August 8, 2005 in Graz / Austria (“Tante Emma vergiftet Tauben im Park‘. Das Lied als Anlass zur Förderung der schriftlichen Textproduktim im DaF-Unterricht. XIII. Internationale Tagung der Deutschlehrerinnen und Deutschlehrer, 01.08 – 08.08.2005 in Graz / Österreich)
- Stafylidou, Georgia (2005): “German language teaching for specific purposes at the Greek Universities of applied sciences(TEI) –Department of Tourism ”. XIII. International conference of German teachers, August 1 – August 8, 2005 in Graz / Austria“Fachbezogener Fremdsprachenunterricht Deutsch an den griechischen Fachhochschulen- Studiengang Tourismus”. XIII. Internationale Tagung der Deutschlehrerinnen und Deutschlehrer, 01.08 – 08.08.2005 in Graz / Österreich
- Stafylidou Georgia (2001): “The prepositions of modern Greek in the teaching of Greek as a foreign language. Indicative suggestions for German-speaking students “. Proceedings of the 4th International Conference (28.06 – 01.07. 2001) Subject: “Intercultural education – Greek as a Second or Foreign Language”. Volume I. 195-211, University of Patras. 2002 (year of publication)
- Stafylidou Georgia (2001): “The incorporation of preposition in Greek and German”, in: Kotzia Elisavet & Efthymiou Eleni. Genetic grammar and comparative analysis, 273-304, published by Kastaniotis
- Stafylidou Georgia (1999): “The creation of new verbs by using prefixis. Related suggestions for German-speaking students “. Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference (25.06 – 27.061999). Subject: Greek as a Second or Foreign Language. An Intercultural Approach ”, vol. 134-154, University of Patras. 2000 (year of publication)
- Christofidou, Anastasia & Stafilidou Georgia (1997): “The phenomenon of multilingual compounds in Greek. Suggestions for their lexicographical description “. Language, issue 41, 58-75
- Stafylidou, Georgia, Riedel Reinhold (1980): “People of Thraki in the model country”. In: Kursbuch 62, Volksvölkerstaat Bundesrepublick, 100-108, Rotbuch Verlag
- Stafylidou, Georgia, Riedel Reinhold (1980): “Thrazier im Musterland”. In: Kursbuch 62, Vielvölkerstaat Bundesrepublick, 100-108, Rotbuch Verlag
- Fries, Norbert (2001): The Imperative in German and Greek ”. In: Kotzia Elisavet & Efthimiou Eleni. Genetic grammar and comparative analysis, published by Kastaniotis
- Rugge, Wolfgang (1983): The 1918 Revolution in Germany, Modern Times(1991)
Stafylidou- Alataki, Georgia (2001): German IV. for Tourism Students
Stafylidou – Alataki, Georgia (2002): German V. for Tourism Students
Stafylidou Georgia (2011): E-class lessons for the Course: “Multilingual Environment and Bilingualism” of the 7th Semester of the Department of Speech and Language Therapy
Stafylidou Georgia (2014): E-class Laboratory Exercises of the course “Language Development” of the 2nd semester of the Department of Speech and LanguageTherapy
Stafylidou Georgia (2016): E-class Lessons for the Course: “Language Psychology and Neurolinguistics” of the 5th semester of the Department of Speech Therapy
Stafilidou Georgia (2016): E-class Laboratory Exercises of the course “Psychology of Language and Neurolinguistics” of the 5th semester of the Department of Speech Therapy
National and Kapodistrian University, Department of German Language and Literature:(1986-1988)
“Imagination of the current situation regarding the certification of the Knowledge of the German Language in the European Union”